Summer sickness anti-poem

When your helmet is purely decorative And your vanity comes before your life When your house smells like cow shit all the time And your morning chai is the best sedative When the summer sun hits hard on your skin Melting any clear thought you have found within And your craving for some sanity to […]

Espacios de Inter dependencia

Hay veces que sí necesito ayuda. Hay veces que enfrentar todos mis desafíos sola no me hace más fuerte. De hecho: me hace más adicta al sufrimiento, me hace volver a funcionar a través de las hormonas del estrés y sobrecargarme con cosas innecesarias en vez de enfocarme en disfrutar mi presente. Ha habido veces […]

Seguridad Principal

El otro día tuve un pequeño desencuentro con dos personas que amo mucho y que forman parte de mi historia remota. Si bien la discusión no fue nada tan grave, noté luego de que terminó un dolor emergiendo a la superficie, desde el centro de mi pecho. Lo observé, me detuve y me dejé sentir […]

Power vs.Force

I come from a country where we, the Chileans, normally have grown up with a very narrow and conditioned view of what power means. Being back in my homeland after four years living abroad, has given me the right distance to widen my perspective of this concept and to observe how we experience it on an individual and […]

Oda al Coraje

El coraje de soltar la historia personal El coraje de admitirse errada El coraje de confrontar El coraje de perdonar y perdonarse El coraje de partir de nuevo El coraje de cambiar de identidad El coraje de reinventarte cuantas veces sea necesario El coraje de irse y volver cuantas veces quiera El coraje de volver […]

Poema de luna nueva

Suelto la lucha contra mi misma Me dejo derrotar Ahora sin más vueltas, apostar Venus abre paso a mi carisma   Simplifico la vida, Limpio el corazón Hago a un lado la razón Que la intuición gane esta partida   Muerte y renacimiento El juego es infinito No hay error ni delito Gracias por tamaño […]


Destetar a los hombres, Nutrir el arte personal Dejar que todo caiga en su lugar Confianza.   Tomar el riesgo, perseverar Saberse atentamente escuchar Abrir la boca, exhalar Presencia.   De la pasión al drama Y del drama a la comedia. No soy más que polvo de estrellas Humildad.   En el todo y en […]

Today’s reflection

The most revolutionary act that I can do for my lineage, for humanity, and for myself as I’m equally a part of it, is to find my sense of self-worth outside anything I’ve been taught gives me value such as my career, my status in society, my status in relationships, my achievements, or any goal that […]

Cannot help breaking up with you

I keep closing the door I keep breaking up with you Over and over, underscored Hoping you’ll finally breakthrough Hear me.   Going around creating a mess You’ll have to solve your shit first. Surviving to tell the story Climbing up from purgatory It’s time.   It is different now I live in my own […]

His grief

You showed me the light in your eyes And yet I could see through your pain But nothing has been in vain, We needed to grieve that goodbye    I helped. That’s what my nature does You didn’t pay me my money back You paid me in lessons instead   It is raining in my […]


My core gift is helping others to embrace a grounded spirituality, equally loving our divinity and humanity. I give it by helping people to embody their feelings through different art expressions, beauty and creativity, playing with ideas and words as well as movement practices, proving how intensity is the juice of life, and how compassion is the ingredient that will heal humanity.

Valentina B. Sepulveda is young awarded Chilean filmmaker, writer, and dancer, currently living in India.
She graduated from Film Direction and Social Communication at Universidad Católica de Chile in 2014. Since then, she has been working as a writer, director, and editor of documentaries and experimental films. She also worked as a producer and assistant director in fiction pieces, as a producer in Chilemonos International Animation Film Festival, and as a cinema teacher at the same university where she obtained her degrees, before she left her country to join Auroville International Community. From 2018 until the beginning of 2020, she has worked as a video maker, photographer, and writer for different media units, and from the pandemic onwards she has been exploring different expressions, building up her start-up renaissance company, Ineffable Films Lab from where she plays, experiment and produce projects around movement, dance, poetry, photography and film.