Ineffable films & arts lab
Inner fables to open your heart
Ineffable means something that causes so much emotion and intense sensations that it cannot be described in words. The concept represents this overwhelming feeling, beyond words, that you arrive at when you are in front of a wonderful aspect of existence, manifested in a person, in a situation, or a piece of art. Ineffable is that heart-place you reach in your hero’s journey when you realize there is nothing more else to do than surrender to the play of life (in awe!), and to bow with deep humility.
That’s how I named my creative start-up, as the aim of my film and art creations is precisely to provide - even if only a glimpse - that sacred experience, reminding the audience that we exist as infinite beings, beyond our humanity and beyond what our intellect can grasp.

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23_-_trailer (1080p)

23_-_film (1080p)

Fallin' , a dance short film

Fachada (2013)

Fortuna de Gato (2012)